
Punch Block Mode

Create labels to identify a type of electrical connection often used in telephony using Punch Block (Punch-Down Block) mode.
  • (PT-E310BT) Up to two lines can be entered in each block.
  • (PT-E510/PT-E560BT) Up to three lines can be entered in each block.
  1. Press image.
  2. Press image, image, image, or image to select the options you want, and then press OK.
    Module Width

    Select the module width.

    2.0" (50 mm) to 12.0" (300 mm)

    Block Type

    Select the block type:

    2 Pairs, 3 Pairs, 4 Pairs, 5 Pairs, Blank

    Sequence Type

    Select the sequence type:

    None, Horizontal, Backbone

    Start Value

    Select the start value (Up to 99999).

  3. Enter the text you want.
  4. Press image.
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