Artspira AI Tips

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Artspira AI

Many factors will affect the look of your converted photo - things like the angle at which it's taken, how it is cropped, the lighting, and more. Use the tips and information that follow to help you use the Artspira AI function more effectively.
Try each of the different conversion styles to see what Artspira AI can do!

Tap here for instructions on using the Artspira AI function.



  • You can convert photos of people, dogs, and cats.
  • Make sure that facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows) and the facial outline are clear.
  • The subject should be facing the camera.
  • The photo should be in focus and not blurry.
  • The subject should be large enough to fill the entire photo.
good1 good2 good3 good4 good5

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Things to Avoid:

  • Make sure that the border or boundary between the subject and the background is clear.
  • Avoid images where any part of the face is hidden; make sure the entire face is visible.
  • If there are too many subjects (five or more), image conversion may fail.
  • Some photos will have poor conversion results, including photos where:
    • the subject is wearing accessories like a hat or glasses that overlap or cover the face
    • any part of the face is hidden in the shadows
    • there is too much light (too bright)
    • there is too little light (too dark)
    • faces are blurry or there is too much noise

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Enjoy experimenting with AI!

Artspira AI is still learning, so conversion results may differ from what you expect. Although you may get unexpected conversion results, try changing various conditions and enjoy experimenting with AI conversion!

  • Depending on the original image, body parts (such as a face or arms) may disappear in the result.
  • Depending on the conversion style, certain shapes may not be recognized and could be replaced with other unintended shapes.
  • AI conversion learns with every task! Peoples' attributes, including specific age, gender, clothing, skin tone, eye color, and more, may be changed unexpectedly.
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