
Home > Network > Network Features > Fax Using the Internet (I-Fax)

Fax Using the Internet (I-Fax)

With Brother's I-Fax program, you can send and receive fax documents using the Internet as the transport mechanism. Documents are transmitted in email messages as attached TIFF files. Your computer can send and receive documents as long as it has an application that can generate and view TIFF files. You can use any TIFF viewer application. Documents sent via the Brother machine will be converted into a TIFF format automatically. If you want to send and receive messages to and from your Brother machine, your computer's email application must support Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).

  1. Fax (Sender)
  2. Telephone line
  3. Your Brother Machine (Receiver/Sender)
  4. The Internet
  5. A computer receives a forwarded email
  6. A fax machine receives a forwarded fax
  • I-Fax supports sending and receiving documents in Letter or A4 format and in black and white only.
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