
Home > Paper Handling > Paper Settings > Select the Paper Tray For Printing

Select the Paper Tray For Printing

Change the machine's default paper tray for printing copies, received faxes, and print jobs from your computer.
  1. Press image [Settings]>[All Settings]>[General Setup]>[Tray Setting].
    If your machine displays the [All Settings] menu on the Home screen, skip the [Settings] menu.
  2. Swipe up or down or press image or image to display the [Tray Use: Copy], [Tray Use: Fax], or [Tray Use: Print] option, and then press the option you want.
  3. Swipe up or down or press image or image to display the option you want, and then press it. For example, when you select the [MP>T1] option, the machine pulls paper from the MP tray until it is empty, and then from Tray 1.
  4. Press image.
    • When you make a copy using the ADF and give priority to multiple trays, the machine looks for the tray with the most suitable paper and pulls paper from that tray.
    • When you make a copy using the scanner glass, your document is copied from the higher priority tray even if more suitable paper is in another paper tray.
    • Use the following sizes of paper for printing faxes: Letter, A4, Legal, Folio, Mexico Legal, or India Legal. When an appropriate size is not in any of the trays, the machine stores received faxes and [Size Mismatch] appears on the touchscreen.
    • If the tray is out of paper and received faxes are in the machine’s memory, [No Paper] appears on the touchscreen. Load paper in the empty tray.
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