
Turn On Distinctive Ring

For Australia

After you set the Distinctive Ring feature to [On], the receive mode is automatically set to [Manual]. Your Distinctive Ring Number does not allow Voice calls - only Faxes. You cannot change the receive mode to another mode while the Distinctive Ring is set to on.

For Singapore and Hong Kong

After you set the Distinctive Ring feature to [On], the receive mode is automatically set to [Manual]. Unless you have a TAD or Voice Mail set up on the Distinctive Ring number, Manual mode means you must answer all the calls yourself. You cannot change the receive mode to another mode while the Distinctive Ring is set to on.


When Distinctive Ring is on, the LCD will display [D/R] as the Receive Mode.

  1. Press image [Settings]>[All Settings]>[Fax]>[Miscellaneous]>[Distinctive].
    If your machine displays the [All Settings] menu on the Home screen, skip the [Settings] menu.
  2. Press [On].
  3. Press image.
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