
Home > Cut Print and Cut Copy > Copy Documents on Letter or A4 Paper and Cut the Paper in Half

Copy Documents on Letter or A4 Paper and Cut the Paper in Half

With the Cut Copy feature, your machine automatically adjusts and copies documents to fit half the size of the paper in the tray and cuts the paper in half.
  1. Make sure you have loaded the correct size paper in the paper tray.
  2. Load your document.

    For information about the document orientation, see Related Information.

  3. Press image [Cut Copy].
    The touchscreen displays:
  4. Change the copy settings, if needed.
    image (No. of Copies)

    Enter the number of copies in one of the following ways:

    • Press - or + on the touchscreen.
    • Press image to display the keyboard on the touchscreen, and then enter the number of copies using the touchscreen keyboard. Press OK.
    image (Options)

    Press image [Options] to change the copy settings for the next copy only.

    When you have finished changing settings, press OK.

    After you have finished selecting new options, you can save them by pressing Save as Shortcut.
    To make an ID card copy, select the [ID] checkbox.
    Document Size

    Press Document Size to change the settings for the next copy only.

  5. Press [Black Start] or [Color Start].
  6. If you are using the scanner glass, repeat the following steps for each page of the document:
    • Place the next page on the scanner glass, and then press [Continue] to scan the page.
    • After scanning all the pages, press [Finish].
To interrupt copying, press image.
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