
Home > Fax > Voice Operations and Fax Numbers > Store Fax Numbers > Store Address Book Numbers

Store Address Book Numbers

  1. Press image [Fax]>[Address Book].
  2. Do the following steps:
    1. Press [Edit].
    2. Press [Add New Address].
    3. Press [Name].
    4. Enter the name using the LCD (up to 16 characters), and then press [OK].
    5. Press [pinyin].
    6. Enter the pinyin using the LCD (up to 16 characters), and then press [OK].
    7. Press [Address].
    8. Enter the fax or telephone number using the LCD (up to 20 digits), and then press [OK].

      To store an email address to use with Internet Fax or Scan to Email server, press image and enter the email address and press [OK].

    9. Press [OK].
    To store another Address Book number, repeat these steps.
  3. Press image.
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