
Home > Security > Use Global Network Detection Features > Block Communications from the Global Network

Block Communications from the Global Network

Related Models:HL‑L2400DW / HL‑L2400DWE / HL‑L2442DW / HL‑L2445DW / HL‑L2447DW / HL‑L2460DN / HL‑L2865DW
When you enable this feature, it limits receiving jobs from devices with global IP addresses
  1. Press image or image to select the [Network] option, and then press OK.
  2. Press image or image to select the [Global Detect] option, and then press OK.
  3. Press image or image to select the [Reject Access] option, and then press OK.
  4. Press image or image to select [On], and then press Go.
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