Artspira+ Portrait Conversion

What is the Portrait Conversion function?

When you update the Artspira app to the latest version, you may notice that the Portrait Conversion function has been replaced with Artspira AI.

This new function offers additional facial recognition functionality that captures the facial areas from images and photos, whether from humans, cats, or dogs.
The Artspira AI function can recognize faces, even if the image contains several different ones.
Tap here for more information about Artspira AI.

Convert your images and photos into unique, personalized portraits using the Artspira+ Portrait Conversion function. Converted portraits can be embroidered or printed using your Brother machines.
The Portrait Conversion function detects and captures the facial area from a photograph of a person and converts it to a black and white portrait. This function is designed specifically for photos showing only one person.

You must have an Artspira+ subscription to use this function.


To convert portraits created by the Portrait Conversion function into embroidery data, first select a photo by tapping [New] > [Embroidery] > [Image to Embroidery] and tapping the image you want. Make sure the Portrait Conversion slider is ON, and then tap Preview to create the embroidery image.
Tap here for more information on the Image to Embroidery function.

Use the Portrait Conversion function to convert photos into printing data that you can print on Sublimation Paper or on Fabric Roll using Brother's Sublimation printer.
First select a photo by tapping [New] > [Printing] > [Design Editor] and tapping the image you want. Make sure the Portrait Conversion slider is ON, and then tap Preview to create the printable image.
([Printing] on Sublimation Paper or Fabric Roll is available only in certain countries.)

Image requirements for Portrait Conversion

  • The original image must be a picture of a person facing the camera.
  • Facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows) and facial outline must be clearly captured.
  • There must be only one face in the image.

    Original arror Portrait Conversion

Avoid the following:

  • Shadows on the face.

    Original arror Portrait Conversion

  • Too much/Bright light shining on the face.

    Original arror Portrait Conversion

  • The following conditions may cause conversion to fail:
    • If the subject is wearing any kind of hat or headgear.
    • If the subject has a beard.
    • If there are items in the photo that look like faces, such as paintings, animals, or background photographs.
    • If the resolution of the facial area is low.
    • If the face is blurred or unclear.

Adjusting images

If you don't like the Portrait Conversion result, here are some helpful tips for adjusting your image.
Please note that these adjustments may not be enough to improve the conversion results. In this case, you may need to use a different image or photo.

  • Adjust the image brightness and eliminate any shadows on the face.

    Before arror After
    Portrait Conversion
    Before arror After

    Before arror After
    Portrait Conversion
    Before arror After

  • Adjust the image contrast so all facial features are clear and visible.

    Before arror After
    Portrait Conversion
    Before arror After


  • By using this feature, you agree that no part of the content will be used:
    • for purposes that are contrary to all applicable laws and regulations (including, in particular, racist, discriminatory, hateful, pornographic or child pornographic content and/or statements that offend public order or public decency);
    • to violate any person's right to privacy or publicity;
    • to infringe any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right owned by a third-party.
    The User accepts and acknowledges being solely responsible for the content used.
    Please refer to Terms of Service and Guidelines for details.

Support information for Portrait Conversion

Tap here for information and solutions to Portrait Conversion errors.

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