
Home > Fax > Voice Operations and Fax Numbers > Store Fax Numbers > Store Address Book Numbers

Store Address Book Numbers

Related Models:MFC‑J491DW / MFC‑J690DW / MFC‑J890DW


You can store up to 40 two-digit Speed Dial codes, and each code has a name.
  1. Press image (Address Book).
  2. Press image or image to select [Set Speed Dial]. Press OK.
  3. Press image or image to select the following:
    1. Select the two-digit Speed Dial code where you want to store the number. Press OK.
    2. Select [Name]. Press OK.
    3. Enter the name (up to 16 characters) using the dial pad. Press OK.
    4. Select [Fax/Tel]. Press OK.
    5. Enter the fax or telephone number (up to 20 digits). Press OK.
      • Press Redial/Pause to insert a pause between numbers. You can press Redial/Pause as many times as needed to increase the length of the pause.
      • Be sure to include the area code when entering a fax or telephone number. Depending on the country, the Caller ID names and history may not be displayed correctly if the area code is not registered with the fax or telephone number.
    6. Select [OK] and then press OK.
    To store another Speed Dial code, repeat these steps.
  4. Press Stop/Exit.


  1. Press image [Fax]>[Address Book].
  2. Do the following steps:
    1. Press [Edit]>[Add New Address]>[Name].
    2. Enter the name (up to 16 characters) using the touchscreen. Press [OK].
    3. Press [Address 1].
    4. Enter the first fax telephone number (up to 20 digits) using the touchscreen. Press [OK].
      • Press [Pause] to insert a pause between numbers. You can press [Pause] as many times as needed to increase the length of the pause.
      • Be sure to include the area code when entering a fax or telephone number. Depending on the country, the Caller ID names and history may not be displayed correctly if the area code is not registered with the fax or telephone number.
    5. To store the second fax or telephone number, press [Address 2]. Enter the second fax or telephone number (up to 20 digits) using the touchscreen. Press [OK].
    6. Press [OK] to confirm.
    To store another Address Book number, repeat these steps.
  3. Press image.
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