
Change a Broadcasting Group Name

Related Models:MFC‑B7700D / MFC‑B7720DN
  1. Press image (FAX).
  2. Press image three times.
  3. Press image or image to display the [Setup Groups] option, and then press OK.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To change the Group name of a Group stored in a Speed Dial location

      Press image and then enter the three-digit Speed Dial location, and then press OK.

    • To change the Group name of a Group stored in a One Touch Dial location

      Press a One Touch button.

  5. Press image to change the stored Group information.
  6. Press OK.
  7. To edit the name, press image or image position the cursor under the character you want to change. Then press Clear to delete it, and enter the correct character using the dial pad.
    When you are finished editing, press OK.
  8. To edit the pinyin, press image or image position the cursor under the character you want to change. Then press Clear to delete it, and enter the correct character using the dial pad.
    When you are finished editing, press OK.
  9. Press Stop/Exit.
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